Sweep alignment issue.
Using a sweep works fine when I use two preset spline shapes. But when I create my own shape to sweep, it doesn't align with the spline, and there seems to be no option to align. Attached is the file.sweep test errors.c4d
Hi background-permit,
Thanks for the file.
Please have a look here:
CV4_2024_drs_24_MOsw_01.c4dTry to keep the Sweep for the set up at (PSR) zero position and orientation-wise, one as scale.
Then consider the profile facing Z, or like on an XY plane.https://help.maxon.net/c4d/2024/en-us/Default.htm#html/OSWEEP.html
If nothing helps, use a Rail Spline, which can be used for direction and scale.
All the best
Thank you, my friend. I could have sworn I tried these fixes. As always, you are appreciated.
Thank you very much for your kind feedback and background permit.
I'm sure everyone was there (or will be) at one point with the Sweep object, including me.