Joke aside, thank you guys for putting so much effort, covering and helping in every aspect od C4D/RS.
All the best!
CGI/VFX freelancer/owner at
Joke aside, thank you guys for putting so much effort, covering and helping in every aspect od C4D/RS.
All the best!
@Dr-Sassi said in [Help] Simulation Scene Settings & Point Density:
The Part "17" was never recorded.
Do you sleep peacefully Athanasios Pozantzis!?
This lesson ends with "in the next video..." but there is no next video in this series.
Thank you Dr. Sassi, great tip.
As I understand, tearing happens on value transitions at the vertex map, so it's better to give sharp transitions between points, right?
I want to make a torn hole on top of the cardboard box, like one in the picture:
Well, maybe I could make it "by hand" but I think it would be nice to try to use Cloth Sym to get an organic feel.
I have to make sure that torn edges look good.
The test scene is on the link below and I think I'm pretty close to getting the hole shape (static mesh) and fixing edges (stitch and saw) on the baked object.
The only problem I have is to prevent some polygons from detaching from the base mesh during the tearing simulation.
yeah, with the new assets database system, there are some glitches and I think it's hard to recreate glitches, especially if we use more than one release of C4D.
Thank you.
Managed to solve a problem with the Connect object (as usual )
But can't get tearing to happen at vertex map guides.
Need some help with this, scene is attached.
Thank you.
I'm trying to recreate cloth scene from this tutorial:
Exploding Pumpkin
But I'm stuck at the step where I need to insert spline clones in the vertex map field at 5:14.
I don't have a spline object option, only Point Object and MoGraph Object.
I'm using the 2025 release, the tutorial is done with 2023.
Is there some change I need to be aware of?
Example scenes are attached.
Thank you.
I managed to solve it, not sure how, probably by clearing the assets downloaded cache.
Thank you.
For some reason, C4D 20251.2 does not load all of my asset databases on startup.
Every time I start C4D 2025, I need to click Reload Databases, and then all databases show after 2-3 sec.
C4D 2024.5.1 loads all databases on startup just fine.
Preferences/Files are the same for both versions.
How can I fix this for the 2025 release?
Also, while testing preferences, I noticed that some of the Maxon materials I can see in 2025 do not show in 2024, for example, Basic/Clay/Paper material folders.
Thank you.