@Dr-Sassi I am still strugling with my chunky viewport. I made my textures real small, reduced polygons but nothing really helped.
Untill today I found an option in "Configure all"
The reflections "screen space", I unchecked it and that did the job.

Latest posts made by Dutchbird
RE: Navigating issue
RE: Soft selection and textures
Thanks. Its a lot of reading material. I will check it out.
Soft selection and textures
I was playing with my food.
I made a soft selection and hoped my texture would be aplied gradually. But the texture edges are hard.
How can I solve the hard edge in texture in my Burger top?https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/435zyr91wk85tc49r05pb/bread-top.zip?rlkey=wcrr0tqrerstmmhbs33i3tnmy&dl=0
RE: License Issue
And please do something on the attachment size limitations. I bet you can't read the text in a 640 pixel image.
License Issue
Each morning when I startup Cinema4D I get this screen.
When I open the Maxon app this screen.
I have to click the "repair maxon service" button and I can use Cinema4D.
What could possibly be wrong? -
default display color
How can I change the default display color in Attributes Manager?
Textures in FBX
In R2025 when I import FBX the textures are converted to nodes. When I export them and open it in Blender there is no texture.
In R2024 I didn't have this problem.How can I import in R2025 with old standard materials?