Coloring a text using proximal and emitter
I want to color a text using the proximal shader and an emitter.
This works, but because the particles go 'through' the text, the coloring is only when the particle hit the text (the proximal shader).
I want the coloring to be 'stable'.
So once a part of the text is colored, it must stay colored.Therefore I added Collider body to the text and a rigid body to the emitter objects (a cube for example).
The dynamics is ok now, but the proximal effect disappears after some frames.
I expected the effect to stay on as long as the cube is in proximity of the text (with the proximal shader).What am I doing wrong?
Hi difference-front,
Please have a look here.
I used a Tracer to give the Proximal Shader a stable source to work with.
If you have any questions, please share a simple example. I'm back on Wednesday.
All the best
Aha, I see what you have done.
Clever!Thank you,
Pim -
Hi Pim,
Thanks a lot for taking the time to reply; very much appreciated!
@Dr-Sassi And here the final result. -
Thank you very much, Pim,
This feels like sitting in a cinema theater. Love it.
Very nice of you to take the time!
My best wishes for your project