Cloth simulation
Hi! I’m new to cinema 4D and I want to make a basketball jersey spinning for work with a cloth simulation.
For some reason, when I try to rotate it with the simulation, it doesn’t follow the rotation I animated before and instead just sits and ripples a lot.
How can I get it to follow the rotation animation and what settings would be best to simulate a jersey material?
Thank you so much in advance!!
Hi ground-water,
Here is an example of direct driving connections. The finer the mesh, the more "soft" it will behave.
Here is a show about several ideas and fabric the best
@Dr-Sassi thank you for the quick reply!
Sorry it took me a while to test, a lot of stuff came up in my personal life.I tried copying your forces but the cloth seems to just stretch and fall off.
Is it the gravity in the scene? What am I missing?
Here is the file for the google link - it was too big to upload
Hi ground-water,
Thanks for the file and the Google Cloud use; this is perfect.
Here is a little suggestion.
This file needs to be in your Project folder, unzipped.The shirt was built with volume, which doesn't help, so I made a copy and took the inside out. The Cloth Surface will replace the thickness.
The mesh was rather dense, so I Remeshed it. Hence, the texture is off, but let us focus on the motion first. This is art direction, and I have no idea how you would like to have it.
The Puppet is a bad Collider, hence I smoothed it with the Volume workflow. Otherwise, the two shoulder "balls" shape the shirt. (or was that intentional?)I have decreased the Gravity and the Mass of the shirt. With a Mass of 1, that shirt would be 1kg per 1000cc and normal Gravity. With the modeled initial double-sided. The typical air in the fabric is not acknowledged, etc.
Cache it first.
Let me know what you think about it.
Enjoy your weekend.