spline chamfer scene node
Happy New Year Dr Sassi, hope you had a good one!
Just had a quick question: I'm trying to chamfer a spline in a non-destructive way with the SPLINE CHAMFER scene node.
I can get a single spline chamfer to work on selected points, but I want to add a second spline chamfer to a second set of points so the rounding will be different on those.
Any idea how I can combine 2 chamfer nodes?
I thought placing one after the other would work or possibly using a switch node, but I can figure out how to combine both effects.
Here's my file problem.c4d
Hi MaverickMongoose,
For now, I do not go into Nodes. When we have sufficient tutorials on Cineversity that I can point to, I will go into those. For now, that would mean handling everything in the forum, which would be overwhelming.
Here is just a wild guess.
I'm not aware how that would work with a Spline, as the Initial places new points to the resulting Spline. Mixing both would mean mixing the first six points of each, which are no longer identical, otherwise one could assign many chamfer to a single point. To solve this I used the higher point ID first. then in the next Node the lower ones.All the best
Wow, I didnt know about the Nodes Spline, very useful! I'm only just getting into scene nodes myself, so many to explore, I'll definitely be using this one!
Thanks again!
You're very welcome, MaverickMongoose.
Yes, it is a powerful option, and I hope we find a way to exchange solutions.
My best wishes