One word at the time from text
Follow up question from"What would be a good workflow to iterate text on a Text object in a Cloner. What I'm looking for is a way to have a full text and render each word in this text on each cloned Text. Guessing it would be a bit of Python?"
Dr. Sassi
Hi history-growth,
Please have a look here:
The Text Object allows us to address words; with this, we can define all words except for a specific one to be visible (Scale -1)
You find the Formula Field used for this in the MoGraph Selection Tag. To feed the formula, I used Text Object>User Data and XPresso to "compose" the needed Formula String.
The Selection Tag is applied to the Plain Effector Selection entry field.Then, we need to place all words in the same position. This is done with the Matrix and the Inheritance Effector.
The user Data of the Text Object is then used to animate the setup. Use Linear for the Keyframe to get an even animation.
This data could also be taken from the XPresso to animate: Time Node (Frames)All the best
Thank you Sassi. As always.
Although this is not the setup I'm looking for. I'll create a new thread with that exact problem.
Thank you for the feedback, history-growth.
If anyone likes to read the next follow up: