Cinema 4D redshift textures lost in “ramdisk”
Thousands of textures from hundreds of folders trying to load in from ram. The file names are slightly different making re-linking impossible.
Good Morning, funeral-reflection,
I'm struggling with the term ramdisk in connection with Redshift 3D and textures; I haven't heard it in nearly two decades. It was a virtual disc on a Mac based on a defined Volume in RAM back then. The Manual of Redshift 3D does not provide this term at all. So, I might miss something here.
.I would surely like to help, but I'm unsure what to do with this short text.
You gave more information elsewhere, as far as my Google search tells me.I try to not answer from memory, as things might have changed, so I love to explore it carefully, as you can see below: (Sorry for the longer text)
.I have recreated the names as you had it "elsewhere" posted, if that is the same you: I would not place periods nor only sequence numbers as identifiers in otherwise unrelated files. In short, that is nothing where I have any experience with.
Anyway, I placed those in a folder, connected a few via a Texture Node, and applied them to different objects. After that, I renamed the folder holding the Files and placed that folder into a new folder. (Which should be sufficient chaos for any system.)
I went to the Main Menu>Redshift> RS Asset Manager. Used the "Select Missing Files"
Then I selected only the SSD icon, and all files from that drive were instantly re-connected
I did this again: I created a new folder and then placed any content in it. This time I checked the Main Menu> Window> Project Asset Manager.Also, here, Select missing items, the Relink, and click only on the SDD holding the items. All instantly connected.
OK, one more: Using the Preferences> Files> File Assets: PathHere, I can click them on or off, and the Files are connected (on) and then not (off)
I hope that helps, as I surely know how annoying any work is that does not increase the quality of a project.
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Have a nice Sunday and my best wishes for the project.