Cloth behaviour - bug?
I don't understand the behavior of the cloth.
I'm working on sort of a mylar balloon type of animation.
When mix animation> with force is applied and the object are moved via keyframes the simulation pauses and then restarts once the mesh reaches it's last keyframe.Here's the state just before the last keyframe (no length contraction and other mylar effects)
After the final position keyframe. The simulation of mylar effects starts.
Final state
I don't understand why the simulation doesn't run all the time. Why the jump between when it's animated and then it isn't. There's no other keyframes at this frame.
Here's a link to the scene.'s a preview of the issue -
Hi Sweeping Motion,
Thanks for the file and for using Google.
The setup uses the Spline to produce an Extrude and then creates a new Mesh based on Remesh, then it applies the Simulation,
The next frame starts with the Spline to produce an Extrude…etc. (You get the idea.)Either make them editable via "c" key or Object Manager> Object> Current State to Object (if this method is used, deactivate the original objects so they do not contribute to the Simulation.)
Here a collage from various states after being cached.
My best wishes for your project.
Thank you Dr. Sassi. I wouldn't have guessed this was the case. I'll see if this changes anything.
@Dr-Sassi Dr , I converted the geometry but the problem persists. Maybe I didn't make myself clear in my post. What is happening is the creases that are expected to show up (and they do initially) disappear when the cloth geometry is being moved, but almost immediately come in once the last movement keyframe is cleared, even though the objects are still moving. I recorded the point on the timeline where it happens. me it seems like a bug.
Please have a look here, Sweeping Motion,
and cache it first.
Preview this closer?
@Dr-Sassi This looks better in the preview but it's not really doing what I want which is to move after the 'unpacking'. I want them to come together and the problem remains - as long as there a position keyframes in the object the mylar effects (so I guess the target length and so on) are not taken into account and I'd like to know why that doesn't work. Could you please shed some light? What is it I'm doing wrong?
Hi Sweeping Motion,
How would a balloon be animated practically with a single rope or wind? I tried both, but that didn't lead to an easy "untangle" after the Sphere shape.
I have better results when I also place the Inverted Vertex maps in the Balloon Maps field.
Please experiment with the same vertex map in the "With Force" section.When many forces pull on the mesh, the " Force " distribution must be balanced carefully.
Here is my exploration "dummy":