Hi Dr. Sassi. Thank you. Yes that was the goal, and I did mean the plain effector. What's not clear to me is why the clones remain in the same orientation when the plain effector is switched on but rotate with the spline when it's switched off. Doesn't seem logical to me.
Latest posts made by Sweeping Motion
RE: Clones rotating when spline has a deformer.
Clones rotating when spline has a deformer.
I'm stumped. What is causing this behaviour. As you can see the cylinders in the cloner are rotating when the parent null is rotating. However they shouldn't and the behaviour stops when the
stepplain effectors are switched off. machining_v01.c4d Help would be appreciated.Here's a link to the video showing the behaviour
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UnYDBZmfvicyEGFkumI1kOQHYIoOjK5Q/view?usp=sharing -
RE: How to rigidly attach rope to an object?
It did work at the substeps you set. But once substeps were set higher it broke again...
I changed a couple of settings but it's still not perfect.
I kept increasing the iterations until it finally started working.Thank you for your help
RE: How to rigidly attach rope to an object?
Hi Dr. Sassi
Here's my scene:
problem.c4d -
How to rigidly attach rope to an object?
Is there a good way to attach a rope to an object so that the connection does not stretch? For some reason even after setting the connections target length to zero they still stretch:
Is there a way to transfer the colors from mograph object to thicken object?
I have a cloth simulation made up of clones with random colour applied through plain effector with random field. This is then piped into user color node. However it's all gone when the simulation goes into thicken generator. Is there a way to get that attribute through?
RE: Vertex map growth and decay - how to achieve
Here's the scene. Thank you for your help.
RE: Vertex map growth and decay - how to achieve
Thank you, I see. So there's no way to use the grow option in the freeze field?