Modify a walk cycle
Hi guys,
here is a super noob question regarding modifying a rigged/animated character.I basically need a character (mixamo rig/animation) pushing a shopping cart of some sort around.
I tried to modify a mixamo animation/run cycle but I cannot figure out how to constrain the hands to the cart...
If anyone knows a tutorial on this topic, I would be very happyThx in advance,
R. -
Hi RemoGambacciani,
The easiest way might be to use this Quicktip and then Constrain the hand Controller to the Shopping cart: this rig, the "RightHand_IK_con+" and the"LeftHand_IK_con+" can be constrained (Constrain Tag Parent) to a Null each time, and these Nulls are then a Child of the Handle of the cart. If you like to use only one Null, use on the Parent Constrain the Offset> Maintain original. (Priority: Expression -1 if there is any delay)
To create this directly to the Mixamo, the best way is to disable the Animation from the Shoulder (left and right) down to the hand (the end of the Shoulder hierarchy, left and right) and set it from the "mixamorig: LeftArm" and "mixamorig:RightArm" an IK Tag, last Joint in the IK chain is the "mixamorig:LeftHand" and the"mixamorig:RightHand". Create and adjust the pole, while the goal needs to go out of the hierarchy and be placed as a child on the cart handle.The hands might need adjustments in their orientation.
Let me know how it goes and my best wishes for your project
All the best
Big thanks, @Dr-Sassi !
Works great for me with the parent constraint -
Thank you very much, RemoGambacciani.
My best wishes for your production!