Hi @Dr-Sassi , thx a lot for the quick answer.
It does change something if you turn it on/off but doesnt seem to have an impact to the low subdiv look, or does it?
Hi @Dr-Sassi , thx a lot for the quick answer.
It does change something if you turn it on/off but doesnt seem to have an impact to the low subdiv look, or does it?
Hi guys,
any idea how to improve the motion blur substeps?
I would expect the MB of a single matrix (white line) being as smooth as the spline it follows (red line).
The spline is uniformly subdivided (no render subdiv/smoothing involved).
Seems like there are missing the subframe information (even when cached...).
The transformation/deformation steps doesnt seem to help...
Hint appreciated
Cheers, R.
Big thanks, @Dr-Sassi !
Works great for me with the parent constraint
Hi guys,
here is a super noob question regarding modifying a rigged/animated character.
I basically need a character (mixamo rig/animation) pushing a shopping cart of some sort around.
I tried to modify a mixamo animation/run cycle but I cannot figure out how to constrain the hands to the cart...
If anyone knows a tutorial on this topic, I would be very happy
Thx in advance,
Hey @Dr-Sassi , thanks a lot!
Unfortunately thats not what I meant ...
I was asking if we have a way to simulate just one candle/flame, then clone that cached single flame into an array and then time offset that cache via fields...
The idea is to not having to cache a whole landscape of thousands of candles/flames instead working with just one small cached flame.
Hi everyone,
is there a way to time offset pyro sims/particle sims in a cloner via fields?
I want an array of candles (pyro sim) to be blown out one after another, but not simulate/cache all the candles.
And basically control it via a linear field for example.
It seems a little trickier than with regular keyframe animation...
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance and cheers
Hey Guys,
I'm looking for a way to move clones along the normals of a separate object.
And/or a deformer that does the same for splines (almost like a "working" shrink-wrap deformer for splines). Something like the newish spline projection deformer but with a slot for an external object to project/move along more complex normals structures that just parallel and directional.
Here are some explanations:
Basically I wanne move independent clones along the normals of another object.
Almost like the "Normal Transform > Normal Move" command, but as a MoGraph effector, with a slot to determin that other object.
It's like when you define a vector volume (separate object) as a force in a field force, and the particles/dynamics move away from this object along the normals. But not for dynamics, rather as a deformer/effector.
Im sure im not the first one to face that question right?
Thanks a lot and all the best, R.
Hey guys,
I have a question that bugged me in several occasions..:)
I had the issue with "white" not being all "white" but just a bright grey instead. If y pipe between a color correct node and crank the level scale, I'm able the get brighter values...
Especially if you use the brightness values as data to mix materials or drive things, I ran into the issue that I wasnt able to get pure white values (sometimes even the greyscale/color slider jumped back to around 80%....I'm trying to replicate this).
Does it maybe have to do with the "linear numeric values"?
Maybe someone else ran into this issue and figured out some kind of hidden button or setting for it?
Thanks in advance,
Hey guys,
I'm wondering why the min/max strength in the plain effector is not working as I would expect.
When I spread the matrices via shader effector (right matrix object) it displaces them on the +y and -y axis.
Now when I try to achive the same effect via plain effector and shader field (left matrix object), to be able to reuse the same shader/noise at some other objects in my scene, it only spreads them out on the +y axis...and the minimum slider doesnt seem to do anything....?!
I would expect to be able to lower the min to -100 to achieve the same effect.
What am I missing?!