Motion Blur Substeps?
Hi guys,
any idea how to improve the motion blur substeps?I would expect the MB of a single matrix (white line) being as smooth as the spline it follows (red line).
The spline is uniformly subdivided (no render subdiv/smoothing involved).Seems like there are missing the subframe information (even when cached...).
The transformation/deformation steps doesnt seem to help...Hint appreciated
Cheers, R. -
Hi RemoGambacciani,
Please have a look here.
CV4_2025_drs_25_RSmb_01.c4dThe Deformer can stretch the line, so the steps become rather large.
It looks different if you use the Bend deformer with "Keep Length" active.All the best
Hi @Dr-Sassi , thx a lot for the quick answer.
It does change something if you turn it on/off but doesnt seem to have an impact to the low subdiv look, or does it?KeepLegthOn
Hi RemoGambacciani,
If you use my setup, then it is pretty much the same (keep length on or off), as I have set up the deformer in that way,
Below is a comparison: Green is mine, and Red is the file I got.
In the Red Version, the line is stretched, resulting in the more pronounced step.
All the best