Polygon selection, invert procedurally
Hi, I would like to invert/adjust a polygon selection procedurally. So I have a selection tag with the original polygon selection. Then add another selection tag, activate fields, drag the first tag in the list and remap invert. However, I am getting strange results. Even when the field layer is set to index, the selected polygons differ from the original. Example:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/tgx5fsv7kcgie26/poly%20select%20-%20field%20problem%201.c4d?dl=0Many thanks for any help!
Hi reading-card,
Thanks for the file and for using DropBox.
Please have a look here:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/udom0dkibo6od68/CV4_2023_drs_23_FIip_01.c4d.zip?dl=0When I use the selection information and create a Matrix as intermediate storage, it works flawlessly.
The Matrix is used as a Point object, and the Radius in the setting is crucial.I hope that helps.
All the best
Thank you for having a look! The Matrix works only when the mesh topology is constant. Eg, when adding a Py-Extrude Modifier it gets scrambled up. Here is a more complete example, where I inverted the selection manually: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cagy1dvff5acjmn/poly%20select%20-%20field%20problem%203.c4d?dl=0
However, I need the invert process stay procedurally to let the whole effect chain update automatically if the original selection changes. From how I understood the selection tag and field functionality, it should work, but it only works as expected with point selections... Thanks for any hint! -
Hi reading-card,
The Polygon selection contains no geometry. Just a set of information. You can see that while the object is selected in the Structure Manager. Set the Mode to Polygon. To my knowledge, this is not reproducing geometry in the fields.
I do not use the Py-Extrude anymore, as it is no longer supported, AFAIK, and I don't have it installed.
Perhaps have a look here:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/cabmtsw8oap3oqh/CV4_2023_drs_23_MOge_01.c4d.zip?dl=0I have used the Extrude Geometry Generator. You find those in the Asset Browser> Operators> Geometry Modifiers.
Similar to that concept is the option to define Selections. (Those are found as well in the Operator offerings.
Please have a look here (YouTube Link)
https://youtu.be/3DQKbJ2xWgoMore advanced and that typically needs training that I can give here in the forum is the Node Editor:
Here, the selection can be set in the pipeline and then done. In your example, the selection of the objects leads to a change in the base information.All the best
P.S.: Here is a file that provides some ideas.
Selected some polygons, then update the Polygon Selection tag on the Plane.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/vw73i4fyg5oiuhv/CV4_2023_drs_23_MOge_11.c4d.zip?dl=0Please note that the sequence of the objects is crucial.
@Dr-Sassi Thanks for the links. Unfortunately, the link on the old Cineversity is not accessible. The YouTube video is pretty confusing. Simple operations require tons of nodes. Would be more handy to have “Store Selection” integrated in the modifying nodes (like it has been in Py-Parametric Tools).
Still trying to evaluate the capacities of the node system (without much success so far: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2dlndh6827k2rmm/nodes%20confusion%2001.c4d?dl=0). I create an edge selection tag and extrude it. Then tried to smooth the geometry of the extruded edges. And add Clones of Hair to it. Without success. And I am wondering if parameters like Extrude Offset can be affected by fields to introduce a variation to the offset. Such functions would be really useful.
Hi reading-card,
Please have a look here:
I hope that works for your project.
Thank you! Unfortunately, it doesn't work for my project as I needed the inverted selection to add hair and was also hoping to use some of the nodes to handle workflows that normally required mesh bouncing more procedural. Eg: I create an edge selection tag and extrude it. Then tried to smooth the geometry of the extruded edges. And add Clones or Hair to it, or convert the polygon selection tags to vertex maps for render effects or deformer fields. Also wondering if parameters like Extrude Offset can be affected by fields to introduce a variation to the offset. Such functions would be really useful. Example: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2dlndh6827k2rmm/nodes confusion 01.c4d?dl=0)
It seems the node system's compatibility with previous C4D functions (vertex maps, regular selection tags, fields, hair, mograph, etc. is rather limited. Or did I miss something? Did not find much info. Could you recommend a tutorial or manual that illustrates nodes capacities in a project that uses none-node features as mentioned above? Many thanks for any hint!
Thanks for the reply, reading the card,
Is that a changing selection of a fixed one? If fixed, you could select the polygons, then invert those (U~I) and create a new selection.
Nodes are, so far I can tell, mainly targeting "Capsule" development. From my point of view, it is a Technical Director option. I do not see it as a target to replace the modeling tools. (I put an equivalent of IMHO in each time to clarify that this might not be the official idea.)
https://www.cineversity.com/vidplaytut/scene_nodes_-_technology_preview_distibutions_cloning_with_nodesI have taken a three-volume course from Core4D.com, which a colleague did. I can't find it in the store currently. Perhaps ask.
https://www.core4d.com/ipb/store/All the best