Cloner shaped by Spline
I have a honeycomb cloner using a spline rectangle to conform the shape.
The first, 3, 5th etc row s don't go up to the edge of the spline, the offset rows all overlap the spline. Is there anyway for the clones going up to the edge of the spline?
Thanks for the file, smckenzie, and for the naming of the file.
The Spline provides guidance on the point that is provided for the clone. In the example, I made them visible.
The Cloner has no clue about the size of the clones themselves. So, either the "point" is inside the frame, and the clone exists, or it is outside and then: no show.
The key is to set the math for a wall; the shape is more useful for complex shapes, like an abstract/organic wall element. But yes, to a certain degree, one can build walls with it.
Example: else is based on Boole, and that opens up perhaps other problems. As this will not allow for Multi Instances.
Enjoy your weekend
Maybe a better way of saying it is I wanted to use the spline as a clipping mask - i.e. everything is visible right up to the masks edge, beyond that the clones are invisible. Basically what VRay Enmesh does but natively in C4D.
Thanks, smckenzie,
That is not what MoGraph offers, and it would not work nicely with a wall.
The place to suggest things. create a wall and use an FFD or even a Camera Deformer to bring this into the shape you need. are more options, especially if some parameters need to be the same. (Grout)
My best wishes for a long weekend.Vray spline framing:
Stefan over at wrote a plug-in called GeoTex that essentially does the same thing as EnMesh but would be great to have this natively. I know a bunch of Redshift users have asked for it.
My best wishes, smckenzie.
I had some time this evening to check out the link from 3DTools. I couldn't find a Mac version for the current release.
It certainly looks great.
To a certain degree, you can do those things with native tools. Example: you have Maxon-One with ZBrush, you can also use Mirco Poly earliest version of this was (AFAIK) from Lots Of Pixels in 2005 (?), the one who also developed the Motion Tracker for Cinema4D.
I had a little plugin from Nitro4D - NitroFit.Either way, I miss seeing the advantage of simple brick walls, as even the parts where the wall is based need to be adjusted. Real bricks, sorted naturally and with a master full eye placed, will always look better than a texture, but that is manual work, no doubt.
/editHave a great evening and a nice long weekend.
There was a Mac version until 2023 - apparantly due to some of the library changes etc on Mac OS they can't make it available for C4D 2023, just Windows.
Z-Brush Micro Poly looks very similar to EnMesh no? I know literally nothing about Z-Brush but is it possible to import a mesh, say a roof plane into Z-Brush, at a Micro Poly mesh and then send back to C4D?
Hi smckenzie,
In ZBrush, you have the GoZ bridge to Cinema 4D back and fore, but since you asked about Honeycomb, that would be then a question to have that mesh prepared for that. That is not what you expect if I get your current target. I mentioned it as I saw similarities in the plug-ins you think will solve your problem. I can't see it in any of them.
None of the plug-ins you have mentioned provide (so far, I was able to see) a solution for procedural brick patterns. There are many patterns, each with specific solutions for certain details.
My idea of plug-ins here is not the subject of this forum; if possible, I will try to find native solutions. As you can see, suddenly, there is no Mac option, which is reason enough to ignore this one, even if it looks tempting. Why they don't offer it might be a discussion for a different forum. It doesn't help your question to discuss it.
Plug-ins' rule of thumb: do they solve more than cause new problems?
Enjoy your long weekend, and I hope you can celebrate the holiday the best way.
P.S.: This is the closest I can come with Spline and Clones.
It works best if the spline end-points are in the same place.
Dr. Sassi Feb 21, 2023, 10:54 PM
Although not what I'm after, this is pretty cool and something for me to keep in mind
Thank you!
Thanks for the feedback, smckenzie.
This helps me to shape my suggestion more, but I'm not clear on how to shape a wall with a random Spline while keeping MoGraph's options intact.
(As a side note, I grew up in a construction company, surrounded by Master Bricklayers, I hope I translate this correctly, Maurer Meisterbrief.) Perhaps I take this too literally.If you suggest this, as pointed out above, it is always good to have some use cases included.
Basically I'm trying to recreate the functionality offered by RailClone for 3DSMax. It takes any object and adds them to a surface, like MoGraph, however it uses a copy of the spline that makes the object to clip or mask any objects that fall outside of the surface spline.
You can see it here:
Hi smckenzie,
Thanks for the link. I checked the website as well.
This is a larger package. I do not think I can understand the full functionality from the example clips, but I hope we can find workflows to get there in some cases.Please share a project file with your target if you have a specific problem.
I will try to find a solution.Please look at the files below; perhaps it provides some ideas. also depends on the render engine if you have a lot of "clones" with the same setup.
All the best
Keep the ideas coming, they are awesome!
Yes, RailClone can do many things, all I need is its basic functionality which is clipping objects to a surface without resulting to using a boole.
See attached scene.
Currently, say I want to attach roof tiles to a roof. I'll make a cloner in a honeycomb pattern and make the cloner so its just a little larger than the roof itself. Then use Connect Objects. I'll take the new roof tile object along with a copy of the roof surface and use them in a Boole on Intesect. This results in the my original roof tiles being "clipped" to the original roof.
It works but its a lot of steps. RailCone achieves the same thing but without the Boolean operation.
BTW, I can't upload the scene, the website gives an error message. The scene is 1.1Mb.
Hi smckenzie,
I had created in the past (Before honeycomb was an option) that pattern with two (one shifted) planes and connected them.
You can also define where one-half element goes while using a quick formula, mod(id;2), to get only every second, while the plane needs an uneven number of polygons for that. With the Weight, you can also distribute empty places or many more variations.$web/Cineversity_Forum_Support/2023_PROJECTS_DRS/
(I hope the links work now for you, IT has set up a new folder for me, after you had trouble last time.)So sorry about the failed upload. I will check next week with the people working on the forum.
Do you have, by any chance, established the free version of Dropbox? I have used it for years (2GB max, so I am constantly cleaning the space.)By now, I have gotten that you have done many things with your plugin; I guess I do not need another reminder
Tell me what is important to you based on your project, and I will try to give you a Cinema 4D answer to that if there is a way to do so.
The plugin seems to be also not a one-click-and-go if I get the website correctly, just to state the obvious. But perhaps if you had so much success with it, you might have to stick with the environment that makes you happy. You will never be happy when you always think that something else is the right answer for you. After three decades of using 3D as a tool, I have abandoned many apps; not saying they were bad, just things must fit; you need to feel to use the things that work for you in the best way. Anything else is just not a good idea.There is something that I have said many times over the past nearly 17 years running the Cineversity Forum: If you come from another app, don't search for tools that you know. Find how it is done in the new app. Otherwise, there is no benefit from changing. Searching for replacement is like walking with crutches. You can move, but well, not as fast as you could, either way.
Be that as it will, I'm happy to explore with you what you need and perhaps find solutions that will work for you on many projects to come.
I have worked as a Lead Designer and Office Principal/Manager on many larger projects, some I designed purely on my drawing board before they went into CAD, and they were often over $100M each. I have spent quite some time in that business, so I'm happy to work with you on those things. If needed, I will make feature requests, but if not enough people ask for this, it will take a while before those things are implemented.All the best
Getting there but won't this only work on an even sided shape like a rectangle? Will this work on an non symmetrical shape, i.e. an L shape? Basically all we're trying to do here is have an easy way off adding tiles to a surface like a roof without having to result to using a boole.
I'm not coming from that plugin, I don't use 3DS Max either but I haven't found a way to recreate that functionality in C4D.
Hi smckenzie,
Please have a look here.
The shape, e.g., a roof, must not be the same object as the one used in the Cloner. An object used for its information only must not be visible.
The options to limit this are also done with Fields.$web/Cineversity_Forum_Support/2023_PROJECTS_DRS/CV4_2023_drs_23_MGpt_01.c4d.zipCheers
You know, I tried something like this a little while ago
How would we do this for a honeycomb pattern, i.e. offset rows?
Here's my effort at offset tiles lol.