Caching only certain frames in C4D Pyro
Is there a way to cache only a certain number of frames instead of an entire scene in Pyro?
Alternatively, is there a way to have the simulations in Pyro already evolving for a number of frames so that when I play from frame zero in the project the simulation is already developed to the point that I specify?Thanks
Hi strength-address,
The Pyro simulation in Cinema 4D builds up over time; I'm unaware that anything could be set to a later starting point (precalculated frames - not shown) and placed that one to frame zero.
However, if you cache the simulation and open it in RS Volume, you can offset this. The single (per frame) cache files contain the needed information and do not build up on each other.
If storage space requires it, the frames not included in the renderings can be deleted. I would keep at least the frame before, as I'm unaware how other renders might require this data for motion blur (Just a gut feeling, as I have no 3rd party render engines here running).
RS Volume will recognize the available range, and if the "Detect Frame" is pushed again, it will set the first available cached frame to frame zero. If you need a different starting point, use the provided Offset parameter.I tested this all with the current build 2023.1
My best wishes
@Dr-Sassi said in Caching only certain frames in C4D Pyro:
However, if you cache the simulation and open it in RS Volume, you can offset this Freely.
sorry for updating an old and not mine topic, but the questions are still actual. how to offset cached pyro animation? where I can find this "offset" in RS Volume?
Hi max1e,
Thanks for the question. The situation has not changed, as before, and with the version released on Wednesday this week.
The only way to cache is with all frames before they need to be calculated; the RS Volume allows them to reload and offset the range if needed.
Please open a "ticket" with the "Share your Idea" here: indeed will support anything in this direction.