Convert object to bounding box only
I have a very complicated collection of models from a CAD program. I would like to convert each piece of geometry to a bounding box only. I know there is "display > box" which gives the appearance, but I would like a geometry version as well so I can control the rendering. Any ideas how I might go about this? Thank you for any ideas!
Hi raise-trade,
Have you explored the options with the LOD Generator?
Set to Simplify and Box.
My best wishes for your project
@Dr-Sassi ah! That did the truck, thank you. It worked on everything but instances. I'll try changing the mode of insurance from render to regular and see if that works.
Thanks for the feedback, raise-trade.
I checked the Instances, and I have no idea how to make it not work. Any tips, so I can look into it?
Here is my file, and it works.
CV4_2023_drs_23_REld_02.c4dAll the best