One object - four axis points?
Hi everyone,
I trying to build a setup where one object has four axis points to rotate around. It's a chair that I want to be able to rotate around each of its legs.
I've tried several ways to achieve this. Amongst others with four nulls that the object is Constrained to. But I can not find any solution that updates each of the individual nulls and rotates the object correct.
Has to be solvable - right?
Hi history-growth,
Here is a very simple solution, but not with four axes.
The problem with the four axes is that each would have the need to have keyframes and is at any time the dominant axis to use the three others as a child.
When one axis rotates the chair, the three others have to follow, while each can be the next dominant axis.The file above is pretty much based on the typical solution for that: practically move the axis and move the object counterwise. In code, that would be a Bounding box as orientation and two Matrices counter each other while the position between the two Matrices is recorded.
There are plugins available that come close to that, like rolling a dice plugin from Thrausi; perhaps he can develop this for you.
In the example above (file), I moved the Axos (via the Capsule [oragne iobject] and moved the cube back to the position of the frame before. Now, I was able to rotate the next "leg" of the chair.
I am aware that you had something else in mind, but this kind of hierarchy with four temporal dominants creates a feedback loop to be sorted out, i.e., the app would freeze.
All the best
Thank you for the answer Dr. Sassi.
I first figured this must be an achievable solution but now it feels like this is the wrong way to go due to this much technical overhead.
Interesting solution in your example with the Geometry Axis node. I have not yet looked into Scene nodes that much... -
You're very welcome, history-growth,
For now, I will focus here only on those capsules, the Object Manager parts, or as the Maxon term is: Capsules.
The Node system needs a build-up in tutorials first, as a forum can't handle the needed amount of education and information. All other information sources need to grow as well to reach the level of quality that I would love to see for every artist so that learning that massive system is easier.
It would otherwise end up in a one-on-one class each time. But pointing to tutorials for more complex content was the idea of the Forum from its beginning when we started it in 2006.
Whereby it is often easier for small pieces of the puzzle to write it down. It is not always easy to find the right balance.My best wishes
Thank you!
One question regarding your setup and the Geometry Axis node: would it be possible via Xpresso (or Scene Nodes) to automatically link the values of the Geometry Axis to counter the placement of the object - so the visible result is the object staying in the same place. Is this perhaps what you meant with your first suggestion?
Thanks, history-growth, for the question.
This is the simplest I have found.
Yes, of course, I have thought about XPresso.
Here is the list of ideas I have explored before answering. I do not post them typically, but I usually explore questions in that depth. Answering from memory (Like: it should work…) or without a scene file, is not my favorite thing, BTW. I test things.
While adjusting the Axis in X, Y, or Z each time, Point Level Animation and the Rotation Tool rotate accordingly. It needs a lot of steps, as points move here in a straight line.
So, how about PoseMorph? It has that Rotation option for points. It works for one action, and then the object implodes.
The Capsule and XPresso. It would be easy if the Axis movement wouldn't be in percent. As it is retrieved from an Initial bounding box, Yes, that could be implemented as a frame zero setting and then get switched off.
However, the problem would be that it needs to set keyframes at a specific frame; this could be done with Auto Keyframing.Another idea I followed was the "hand over object" constrained option, like a robot arm hands a package to another robot, which could use the Visual Selector to organize this a bit more complex setup.
There is also an option for Bi-directional Constraint, which I explored how to set up with Four elements following each other. The problems that need to be solved are numerous, and compared to my submission, that would be just weird.
The bottom line is that a bit of advantage (true for all mentioned options I discuss above) introduces many options to screw it up. Not with the first dozens of keyframes, but perhaps after that.
The keyframes would be my concern and how those are produced; hence, I shared the simplest version, which requires moving the object each time, which is a clear and visual work. Easy to do.
That was the best balance between rig building and creating the right Keyframes.
My best wishes for your project
Thank you!
Greatly appreciate your time and effort in answering this Dr. Sassi! -
You're very welcome, history-growth,
If I get a usable idea, I will share it. I guess that would be nice to have.
There is for example the option to have a group-selection, and set quickly one object as a "Temp-Axis", but the animation after revolving is linear.
All the best
For anyone interested I think I found a solution: I'll be using a new null for each parent situation and animate the weight between them.
Not as sleek as what I first had in mind but it'll do the trick. -
Hi history-growth, if that works for you, great.
Have a great weekend