How to get vertex map to trigger animated objects
Hi, I have 3 splines in a sweep that I have animated across thirty 30 frames using an FFD deformer and PLA.
I have these splines in a matrix using a redshift tag.
I want these to be triggered with a vertex map that I have growing on a plane. The splines work as expected and get triggered but the animation on them get triggered all at the same time. Is there a way to get them to trigger once the vertex maps reveal them? I e tried baking as alembic and using connect objects but with no joy. Any tips or advice would be great, thanks -
Dr. Sassi Oct 8, 2023, 3:43 AM
Hi tradition-boat,
You posted in the wrong forum, so I have moved it here. Please sign in with the Maxon App credential to have access here. Thank you.
I would need a short c4d example of what you like to do.
All the best