Thanks you, yes with just a video it's complicated, i asked me if somebody have already seen this type of visuel issue.
I think i solved it, i things. I had one volume texture for the 4 explosions, i created one for each. And i thinks it work now
Thanks you, yes with just a video it's complicated, i asked me if somebody have already seen this type of visuel issue.
I think i solved it, i things. I had one volume texture for the 4 explosions, i created one for each. And i thinks it work now
Hi ! in my project i rendering some explosions with VBD sequence, but the second explosion have glitch and flahes. that happen when there multiple volume on the screen, when i have just one explosion there are no problem.
Where does this problem come from?
good thanks you for your reply
have a nice day
Thank you very much for your research. My goal is to create procedural nails, screws and weld joints on a tank. Too bad it doesn't work because we could create lots of details on a surface using different 3D shapes, procedurally and without UV unwrapping.
I tried Bake and it works, but too bad it doesn't work directly.
I have a question, I don't understand why we can't use the Distance Shader gradient for the bump or displacement. I mean, when I connect a Distance node to a Ramp node, with the Ramp we can change the gradient, change the colors. We can also mix the Distance node with a Noise in a Color Layer. Why is there a difference between the black and white of the Distance node and the black and white of the Ramp, Maxon Noise nodes when we connect them to a Bump node?
Hi i would like to use the new node "Distance" to use it as Bump but it didn't work. Why?
image link :
Hi ! okay i will ask the another forum
Hi !
I have a question about the visual selector. Initially i have a texture of minecraft blocks, (there 16 blocks out of 16). I have increased the Length U and V to 1600% so each block fit on the plane. Then if i increase the value of Offset U and V from 100%, it switch to another block.
So, my question is, how can i create a way to switch to anyone blocks, just on clicking on the block with the visual selector?
I saw there are a "Command" Action in Visual Selector parameters. I not good a Python Scripts, how can i do this with script?
Thanks !
image link :
what I did works well, thank you very much for your time!
i think i found the solution, i use an instance of the floor, then up it with a Displacer and use a ramp mask the part above the water