I made an eye texture with Ramp and Layer. In the 3D viewport, the eye is completely black. Is it possible to preview my texture in the viewport? I'd like to animate the size of my iris with UV, but I can't see it as everything is black.

Posts made by Pitchi
See texture in viewport
RE: Select objets by point number
Thanks you
i will ask in the developer forum
Select objets by point number
I have a lego project on Cinema4D with a lot of identical object. I would like replace all identicals objets by intances. Can select objets by the points number? for exemple i would like to select all objects with 152 points. Is it possible?
Thanks !
Change Polygon index
Can i modify the polygon index of a 3D mesh? i mean, can i replace the 5 by the 8 or change the order for example?
There are tools to do it on splines, i don't see similar tools for polygons.Thanks
Pivot point with Fracture Object
Hi !
When i using a Fracture Object with the mode "Explode Segments", if i add a Random effector with scale parameters, the pivots is on the middle of each segments. Can i set the pivot down of each segment for example?
fracture obj.c4d -
RE: volume render issues
Thanks you, yes with just a video it's complicated, i asked me if somebody have already seen this type of visuel issue.
I think i solved it, i things. I had one volume texture for the 4 explosions, i created one for each. And i thinks it work now
volume render issues
Hi ! in my project i rendering some explosions with VBD sequence, but the second explosion have glitch and flahes. that happen when there multiple volume on the screen, when i have just one explosion there are no problem.
Where does this problem come from?https://we.tl/t-mpfWBcI4dV
RE: Use Distance Node for Bump
thanks you for your reply
have a nice day
RE: Use Distance Node for Bump
Thank you very much for your research. My goal is to create procedural nails, screws and weld joints on a tank. Too bad it doesn't work because we could create lots of details on a surface using different 3D shapes, procedurally and without UV unwrapping.
I tried Bake and it works, but too bad it doesn't work directly.
I have a question, I don't understand why we can't use the Distance Shader gradient for the bump or displacement. I mean, when I connect a Distance node to a Ramp node, with the Ramp we can change the gradient, change the colors. We can also mix the Distance node with a Noise in a Color Layer. Why is there a difference between the black and white of the Distance node and the black and white of the Ramp, Maxon Noise nodes when we connect them to a Bump node? -
Use Distance Node for Bump
i would like to use the new node "Distance" to use it as Bump but it didn't work. Why?
image link : https://we.tl/t-19f5Xahvqi
RE: Visual Selector and Script
Hi !
okay i will ask the another forum
Visual Selector and Script
Hi !
I have a question about the visual selector. Initially i have a texture of minecraft blocks, (there 16 blocks out of 16). I have increased the Length U and V to 1600% so each block fit on the plane. Then if i increase the value of Offset U and V from 100%, it switch to another block.
So, my question is, how can i create a way to switch to anyone blocks, just on clicking on the block with the visual selector?
I saw there are a "Command" Action in Visual Selector parameters. I not good a Python Scripts, how can i do this with script?
Thanks !
image link : https://we.tl/t-R3HAbl90ZO
RE: Water Caustics
what I did works well, thank you very much for your time!
RE: Water Caustics
i think i found the solution, i use an instance of the floor, then up it with a Displacer and use a ramp mask the part above the water
RE: Water Caustics
Yes it's good ! i have done some test with also a transparent texture with noise on a plane but a sphere is good idea too
I have a big last question, i don't if it's possible. I have the light who project "caustics" on the ground BUT i want that the lighing is visible only under water or on a specific area. I create 2 versions, A and B to see what i want. It's possible to create a volume or area where all objects inside are lit and alls object outside are not?
RE: Water Caustics
I mean, it's possible to add a noise into a Light? in a light we can add a image or images sequences, but can we project a Maxon Noise directly?