Neuron-Fire // looking for files that you made for me ;(
Hi Craig,
Can I share the link here or what is your preferred option to get it back?
Hi Dr. Sassi. I hope that you are well. I have a question please, about 17 days ago, you provided for me a great solution, to lights traveling
over/through a neuron. I was hoping to experiment with different color combinations, with RS of the body of the neuron. I noticed, that when I use a different material color, and Im sure to properly use the vertex attribute node, the emission/lights are not visible in the viewport, only when I render in the viewport. . Also, the "lights" are not moving when I render to picture viewer. I did this just to experiment with a render. Can you please tell me why this is? also, the way to control speed of light movement, I change the offset in the matrix?, thank you, Craig -
Hi Craig,
I have rendered the file from above today since you asked. It works.
When you say you have changed something, How can I know what? Could you please copy and paste the material into a new scene and share it so I can look at it?
neuron-lights-for-DS.c4d I bought some neat materials, have been too busy to experiment, but perhaps you can show me the way for the furure. I'd love to use your elegant solution for a mor interesting texture, thanks so much-CZ
Hi Craig,
Thanks for the files.
To see any effect, the Emission> Weight needs to be greater than zero.
I got all four materials working that way.
All the best
thanks, but I don 't see it in the render view, as opposed to the other material which I do, is it possible to see it in the render view when i hit play?
Hi Craig,
Below are all four materials set up with an animated Vertex map. I rendered it, and all looks fine to me.$web/Cineversity_Forum_Support/2023_PROJECTS_DRS/
Render View, Picture Viewer:
Picture Viewer takes the scene as set up, including Render Settings, and goes to work. Once started, any change will be ignored; it just works on the job it was given.
RS Render View
The Clapper board Icon works the same as the Picture Viewer.
The Play icon right-sided from the Clapper board icon will take updated information, but only when capacity allows it. The more rendered heavy a scene, the less likely it moves toward "real-time".
Editor View> Redshift IPR
Perhaps fast, depending on the size.Anyway, anything I will say might not match your experience, except you have the same setup, screens, and apps running at the time of comparison. This goes into hardware, which I try to avoid at all costs. Not my place, as I think the variables are way too big. Things change constantly on top of that. So yesterday's knowledge is perhaps outdated with the latest update—nothing I like to invest time into. Thanks for understanding
@channel-blame [link text](NEURON-glow-does-not-work.c4d link url)-hi Dr.Sassi, how are you?-I am in a bit of a panic ;(-I tried to adapt your brilliant solution here to a new texture, but I can not get it too work. Is my attachment here? if not please tell me how to attach. My solution is not working, perhaps you can provide a solution for me. Please let me know, Craig
Dr. Sassi
ok sorry and thank you, is it possible? my new problem that is to solve?
Hi Craig,
Posting in the wrong thread is not a problem; I only mentioned it so you know I moved it. Otherwise, it will be hard to read along for others.
Here is your file:$web/Cineversity_Forum_Support/2023_PROJECTS_DRS/20230810_CV4_2023_drs_23_RSsv_33.c4d.zipPlease let me know if that works; I have tested it on several versions, just in case.
I have increased the Mesh a bit, as the RS Tag will not have its "Virtual Points" being used for the Vertex Map, and without increasing the Mesh, the "Vertex Map Resolution" is too blocky.
Please also ensure that the information used by other objects, etc., is above the one that needs it. Top to bottom is the flow of information, and yes, with Priorities, Information runs more complex, but inside the Object manager, ensure you have all the "stuff" in a flow.
My best wishes for your project.
Thank you Dr. Sassi, but I did send to you a "neuron" with my texture that I couldnt get to work; this file I already received, thx. If you did not get it what is the best way to share with you? thx, Craig
Hi Craig,
This is the file in your post from above that you quoted; hence I took a look and tested it for an hour, and as you can see, I have changed it a lot.
I take Dropbox, Apple, Adobe, Google, Wetransfer could services.
All the best
Thanks Dr. , I dont see a file? do you need to have me upload,? may I have your dropbox info,is this best way to share? my C4D file is called NEURON-glow doe s not work -file created today, thank you Craig
Hi Craig,
You mentioned above that you have Dropbox, so you can share a file, which would save time as you do not have to wait for me.
But yes, here is an upload link. I will close it soon, as I dislike leaving it too long in the "open". is the post that made me look into it today.
Neuron Glow Doesn't workCheers
Hi Dr. Sassi. you are golden. I just deposited the file. I tried my hardest to make this work with my own, texture; I feel like I'm close, but perhaps you can explain where I went wrong. Thanks again, Best, Craig
I see two materials in your file, Craig, and thanks for sending the file!
Two materials and two setups; see below.
In the file "…_34.c4d" I have piped the Color for the object without the Ramp so that the Glow can be adjusted independently of the object's color. The Color Of the object can have its own Ramp if needed, of course. I also switched the flare on.
In the Ramp for the "glow," I have set the left side to black to separate the glow part. You will adjust to your liking, of course, but black is the way to go for demo purposes. The Weight had a setting of zero for Emission.The second material, "…_35.c4d", was easier, and I placed my Vertex Tag into the Specific Node. The name of the Vertex Tag matters. More was not really needed. I also checked this one, and it rendered fine, even with many frames in a row with animation.$web/Cineversity_Forum_Support/2023_PROJECTS_DRS/$web/Cineversity_Forum_Support/2023_PROJECTS_DRS/
Fingers crossed, you have something that works for you.
All the best
Hi Dr. Sassi. these are great-two concerns if I may; can I presume that I can pump up the neuron color-material, it's very dark; also should I be concerned about your comment, " rendered fine, even with many frames in a row with animation"? I was hoped to render an animation for this, as well as a closeup for about 20-30 s , please let me know, and thanks for your efforts, these are wonderful! -Best, CZ
Hi Craig,
As I wrote, I have set the colors for demo purposes; you need to set them as you need them. I assume that Node-Based materials are not a problem for you. If - then let me know what colors are needed. The one with the yellow Ramp had too little differentiation to show any glow.
I can't render every file I get with a few hundred frames, certainly not 30 seconds. I often have to rely on a few. I have no render farm here.
I have little concerns with the setup I have sent.
My best wishes for your project.
all good Dr. Sassi, I wasn't expecting you to render out many frames-you did an excellent job problem solving as always-you are correct about the color, I need to make difference more obvious , Stay safe, Craig
Perfect, thank you, Craig, for the reply!
If there is anything else, please let me know.
Enjoy your project.