Tracer distance from Particle
Hello, hoping a simple question. When using a tracer object with a basic emitter, how do you close/tighten the gap between the particle and start of the tracer? See the attached screen grab for reference. Ideally I don't want the gap. Thank you!!
Hi leininger609,
The Tracer has to be below the Partilce objects, Priority-wise. I assume that is set up already.
The particles are produced, and the Tracer is a frame behind them, which can be fixed by caching the Particles (Particle Group has the option).
Dr Sassi,
Thank you for the help! Is caching the only option? If so no worries.
Thanks for the reply, leininger609.
My understanding is that the particles are stored normally in the graphics card (GPU), hence the speed.
The Tracer works on a CPU level.
To get the Tracer working, the Particles must also be on the CPU level, which causes the one-frame gap.You can see that when you switch off the option to download (or copy) them to the CPU:
Attribute Manager> Scene> Simulation> Particle> Download : offNo Tracer will be created from the Particles, as no download is provided.
The suggestion from above, caching them, downloads those and has the particle values available at the very beginning of the frame-based calculation. If stored on an SDD with a fast access time, you might not even feel a difference; in complex setups, it might be even faster.
I hope that provides the needed insights and allows you to improve your project file as much as possible.
Dr Sassi,
that makes a lot of sense about one being on the gpu and the other on the cpu, leading to the gap. Really appreciate your help. I have a strategy going forward.
Sounds good, leininger609.
My best wishes for your project