xpresso + bend loop
I have a cylinder with a bend deformer applied to it, and I want to loop the bend deformation. I added an Xpresso tag to a null object, using a noise node connected to the bend deformer (strength), but even when I set a frequency of 1, it doesn’t loop at 30 FPS over 30 frames.
What am I doing wrong?Thank you!
Hi Cit,
Noise is, by definition, random, and yes, here and there, a noise algorithm might show repetition (tile-able). In the Noise Node of XPresso, I'm unaware of a "tile-able" noise pattern option.
The frequency is a parameter of how fast the point is moved inside the noise field to evaluate a certain position in the noise pattern.
How random would a value be the same every 24 or 30 frames?
To make this work, we can go different ways.
Example one, explores a Spline interface that is set up randomly. The Time> Frame provides the values that will be used to get the value of the spline, as the spline can have only one X and Y pair, creating a value.
CV4_2025_drs_25_XPnl_01.c4dThe second example moves the noise and arrives at the same point in frame 30, while the F-Curve Editor> Function> Track After> Repeat is enabled for a loop after the first 30 frames.
CV4_2025_drs_25_XPnl_11.c4dThe third one cheats the Noise Node into a repeated value after 30 frames by just lowering the Amplitude to zero. The Repeat option in the Timeline is active here again.
CV4_2025_drs_25_XPnl_21.c4dI hope one or the other will work for your project.
Enjoy your Sunday!
Thank you so much! Maybe I should go for rigging this time, but I think I’m already in love with the Field Driver. I didn’t even know it existed!Thanks again!
Thanks for the reply, Cit,
Yes, the Field Driver is very useful and versatile.
Please let me know if you have any questions about Joints, Fields, and Field Driver.
Please feel free to open a new thread at any time when the subject changes so it is easier to search and find.My best wishes