Is a particle emitter set to "Shot" able to be re-used on different frames?
Hi there. I set up a simple spline emitter with its emission set to Shot: it's a long story, but all the complicated junk I tried to use fields for what I was trying to do didn't work, so I just used multiple emitters set to "Shot," but I was wondering: there's only the option to enter a single frame on which the shot occurs. Is there any way to use, say, an array of frames, meaning if I wanted to emit a burst on frame 30, and then another on frame 40, I could re-use the same emitter? Or do I just need to use multiple emitters? (Pulse isn't what I'm looking for, I don't think, since there's no periodicity to what I want to do.) Thanks for reading!
Hi Balakay612,
Please have a look here:
Frames 0, 30, and 40 should have a burst:
The setup is based on the Pulse, with a Gap set to 30, then 10, then 1000.
Each time, the keyframe interpolation is Step.Why 1000, to shut it off.
Hey that works great! Thanks for the reply!
Thanks for the reply as well, and taking the time, Balakay612.
My best wishes for your project!