Use simulated mesh to deform another mesh?
I'm using softbody dynamics on a cilinder, but what I'd want to render in the end (in Redshift) is rings/tubes that follow the squashing and stretching of the cilinder. As if the rings making up the cilinder are put into a loft object.
I can sort of do it by putting the rings with the cilinder into a connect object and then simulate (and then putting a transparent material onto the cilinder, but the rings interfere with the simulation - and ideally the crossection of the rings would remain constant - so even though the rings would bend and move closer together and further apart depending on the squashing and stretching of the 'main cilinder', the rings would keep their 'crossection' constant.
Hope this makes sense.
I actualy tinkered with scene nodes for a moment to see if I can procedurally create lines from the edges of the simulated object but the simulation doesn't seem to be taken into account.
I guess being able to use the simulated shape as an FFD cage for my rings could be a solution but not sure how to achieve that.
Any suggestions?
A dirty fix is to store the edge selection of the rings of the cilinder, and use a cloner object to populate the edges with cilinders... But it's not very elegant.
Hi Bar3nd,
Perhaps you can use the Mesh Deformer workflow for this.
I have discussed this in the older Cineversity forum from time to time, or you can check this link here, fresh out of the oven the best