Rigging Object with Multiple Hinges
I'm not sure how best to describe this type of rig, but I'm having trouble rigging a multi joint rig like this:
I've tried using a IK rig but I can seem to find a solve to keep those middle joints connected when I move the rig.
The best resource I've found for this is this video: Manfred Frank Hinge in Blender, but I'm not sure how to translate it over to C4D.
Would really appreciate the help! This problem has been a frustration for day!
Hi Seun,
The video example is the base for the reply her. Otherwise I need your file.
Typically I would animate the door and use IK so that the elements follow the door. Which is much easier, and we talk here about rendered results.
Anyway, I have set up a simple joint "construction" to answer your question.
Please check the Layer colors and labels in the Layer Browser, so you can see my steps to get there.
In short, the Main Joint runs the show. The little IK joint on the left follows the main Joint ( the null child in the middle of the Main Joint.
This allows to set up two nulls that move with that joint setup. So the second Null "projects" a position for that door.Layer number four holds the next joint IK setup. It starts at the tip of the main Joint, and the IK matches the "projected Null". In this way, the second Joint can run the door (Cube) here.
That sounds pretty complex, but go step by step through it, and I hope it will instantly "klick," and you got it.
My best wishes
Hello Dr. Sassi,
Thank you for putting this together! I took a look at the file and I think I understand what you have going on there, but I don't think it's the rigging solution I'm need for this. Sorry for not doing this in the initial post, but I've attached a project file below. I tried uploading it but the c4d file is too large and the forum wont let me upload .zip files.
Hey Dr. Sassi,
That looks correct. I originally reduced the file so I could upload here initially, but here's a more complete version:
Thank you again!
Hi Seun,
If I read the mechanics correctly, then this is my result. Yours looks different; I'm aware of that.
Here is only the Joint setup with a few splines as an outline.Press Play. The only Joint that should be rotated is marked as R.P and has the Protection Tag on it.
Do you have a video of a prototype?
Hello Dr. Sassi,
Thank you for taking the time to put this together. Yeah, it's different from my original execution, but I think I may be able to pull some ideas from your setup. Below is a link to a reference video that I got of the mechanical area of the product. Should explain why I had it the way I did haha (but clearly not working correctly)
Thanks a lot, Seun,
The video was nice of you to share. Looks like a La-Z-Boy.
So, I'm happy that I was not so much off:
https://stcineversityprod02.blob.core.windows.net/$web/Cineversity_Forum_Support/2023_Clips_DRS/CV4_2023_drs_23_CAhj_41.mp4I followed the logic of the parts, its optional movement, etc. It went just up instead of any other direction as in your images. I went through it a few times (even this week is my week off) to provide you with some valid support.
The key is always to find the driving force in 3D animation, which is not often the same as in reality. IK is not built for that, like taking forces and power against it, as these mechanics can do.
Here is a much simpler version
CV4_2023_drs_23_CAhj_31.c4dI hope you get it working along with your reference object.
Please check the connection and its constrains, see picture below
login-to-viewEnjoy your weekend, and thanks for the game
Thanks for the file Dr. Sassi. I appreciate you taking the time to look at this with me and troubleshooting it!
I'll look through this file and hopefully come out with a solution.
Thank you again!
Hi Seun,
You're very welcome.
My best wishes for your project