Triggering animation on textured clones
Block Wiper.c4d [Block](Invalid file type. Allowed types are: .png, .jpg, .bmp, .txt, .c4d, .jpeg) I have set up a cloner with cubes and effectors to create a wipe effect (project attached). The key animation is a rotation of the blocks to reveal a new image. I wanted to set the animation up at the cube level using standard keyframes, but couldn't get it to trigger with the plain effector - I feel sure I've done that before, but couldn't figure it out this round. So I used a single clone and animated the move in a nested plain effector. Then cloned the clone. It works OK, but I'm not able to get the textures to "fix" onto the polygon surfaces - they slip and slide as the cube rotates. I'm wondering if I could animate the cube by itself and trigger it in the cloner, the texture problem might resolve itself.
I would like to rotate the blocks through several turns to reveal multiple sides over time. I thought I could add yet another plain effector with a new field to layer in a second or third rotation, but the controls got all wonky - the axes were flipped in odd ways and the rotational controls didn't work right. I feel like if I could animate the block object directly, I could probably trigger the animation as desired. Or not. I may be asking too much of the cloner
(which doesn't seem possible).
Block Wiper.c4d
Hi fordmar,
Thanks for the files!
I have gotten this kind of request a few times, and the sticky UV is tricky, going by the questions. So, I have stopped suggesting it.
Why not separate each image and have it move by itself instead of Cubes? I used a pyramid here, 16x9, merged, and then separated it into the Fracture Object, with a Plain effector first rotating it in "place" and with a "Plain.Main.Rot" effector rotating all, in 90ยบ steps, adding one after the other.
I'm sure it might take a moment to see that this is just a repetitive setup and that it is relatively simple after you explore it.
However, the UV data is rock solid, while the UV is in the model, not the Cloner. Replace the Images in materials "Image1" to "Image4."
All the best
I was not aware that the fracture object could be so versatile. Back to school!
So keyframe animation on an object (i.e. moving from A to B) is lost when put into a cloner? Only effectors work with MoGraph objects?
Hi fordmar,
A single Cloner with keyframes, e.g., with the Step Effector, is possible. But with a single Clone, the Group plus a six side UV is tricky.
The only stable way (AFAIK) to store the Group UV in a UV Tag (instead of frozen in a Cloner) is to have all the clones as single child objects under the Cloner for one side. (All of that is based on the fact that the images are added to the setup and not prepared per cube as a fold, which might be a lot of work.
The example above has merged those and creates an easy way to produce UV, while the Fracture Object splits Polygon groups. Those can then be animated. It is the most stable way for all parts I'm aware of. Yes, no single object is a clone with a single animation.
All of that being said, for cubes on each side, there is a different Puzzle-like segment of a larger image on them.Cheers