Hi Sweep Motion,
The Cloner, along with its child object, was rotated by the Null object above, which should rotate everything at once.
Since Align Clone was off, the child objects were just moved with the Cloner, based on a higher hierarchy object.
At the moment the Plain Effector was on, the Align Clones setting was influenced by what the Plain Effector did to them.
The Plain Effector could now be set up with the rotation needed to keep them "static" on the spline, which is somewhat problematic since the spline is changing its shape.
The missing rotation is countered here, but it is tricky for complex animation, and I would not recommend it.
I have added the file above, as I became aware of the spline change later in the setup process. The volume was quite heavy, and my computer struggled, delivering only 0.57 FPS. I used a static spline, which might not align with the positions of the cylinders.
All the best