Parametric "Airflow" Over Object Surface
I'm looking for a simple solution, to create motion over the surface of various objects. (Think, car bodies.)
I don't want to use particle systems - doesn't need to be that complex.
I want to keep everything parametric - fully editable. That's because there will be multiple objects, that which the airflow effect has to happen.Most directly, I'm trying to find a way to deform splines, around the surface of the object(s), and then I can employ simple solutions, like Spline Wrap, to move whatever I want, along those paths.
I'm trying to find the right tool / deformer.
Can anyone suggest something?
Hi entry news-paper,
There are undoubtedly several options. One would be to place a copy of the car in a volume Object and (Dilate/Smooth) it to get a little bit bigger but a smooth object. With Remesher, perhaps improve the mesh. Then project Splines (Plane XZ) to it. Those splines can be used for many effects.
Another one works similarly but uses the Surface Deformer to Project a Plane on it.
Perhaps the same (file _11) can be used to just animate a shader over it.)$web/Cineversity_Forum_Support/2023_PROJECTS_DRS/
All the best
Wow! Thanks for taking the time to put together those concepts. Way above and beyond.
I'm still experimenting, trying to find a way to deform the "flow" splines, non-destructively. This is mostly due to the eventual number of shapes, that which I'll have to deal with.
However, assuming that I eventually have to do a little more specific work, per object, your (01) project really is an elegant solution. -
Thanks for the kind reply, entry-newspaper.
When things need to be repeated, creating the needed content by just tossing it in is critical.
Merge all car parts, then place them under a processing pipeline. This might help (Image).
Any copy of a Spline with enough points can be projected on it, then switch all the Generators (green) off, and the Spline has the desired distance to the surface, just like these white streams over a car "run".
The MoGraph Cloner can loop "Sprites" in large numbers along the Spline. Sprites can be just a little Puff cloud image. (Small image, file)
Dr. Sassi,
Thanks, again. Last night, I really dug into that volume builder / projected lines approach.
As much as some of the final spline paths are "baked" into position, it is really a simple matter to keep a "master" project, with the raw building components. Just like you're indicating.
The absolute beauty of the C4D volume building system, is that it's a quick and painless task to just replace the meshed (CAD) model, with any other, and still achieve consistent results.
Cheers! -
Hey Dr. Sassi,
I've set things up, per your great spline projection idea, and I've got a Mograph system under construction. It's not a huge deal, but I'm trying to combine the "top" & "bottom" splines, with a Connect Generator, then add that to the MoG Cloner (Object mode).
But nothing happens. If I drag the top or bottom splines into the MoG cloner object, it works. Just not via the Connect. Shouldn't that work? That's the primary point of that generator, right?I'm attaching a simple project, to illustrate.
Thanks for the file, entry-newspaper.
Try the MoGraph Fracture object instead of the Connect Object. I have tested it quickly and rendered it. I have no idea about your complete setup, so please test this carefully. (Perhaps test Multi-Instance as well.)
My best wishes for your project
@Dr-Sassi said in Parametric "Airflow" Over Object Surface:
Thanks for the file, entry-newspaper.
Try the MoGraph Fracture object instead of the Connect Object. I have tested it quickly and rendered it. I have no idea about your complete setup, so please test this carefully. (Perhaps test Multi-Instance as well.)
My best wishes for your project
That works! Thanks. I would have never thought to try the MoG Fracture object.
Again, not a monumental issue, in this case, but always good to know, for more demanding situations.But any idea why the regular Connect Object won't work?
Thanks for the question, entry-newspaper.
I am exploring that at the moment so I can file a report.
The weird part is when you place a Connect as a parent of the initial Connect, the setup works, even the new parent is not linked in the MoGraph Matrix object.I hope I can find out more and it will work in the future.
Thanks, for looking into that anomaly, further. I'm glad it's not just me.
P.S. I also ran the same test file, that which I sent you, in my version of R19, and it also failed to work with just the one Connect Object. So, it looks like it's been that way for quite some time. -
Yes, entry-newspaper, that sounds odd.
When I started learning Cinema 4D 25+ years ago, I found, after a while, the Command Manager. Back then, it was filled with "just" around 1,000 items. I went through that list and read the manuals three times over the years.
When I start a hand on class, I start with; I don't know everything. To ease everyone's mind. It is accurate, and no one knows Cinema 4D 100%. Even this morning, I was reminded of a feature I missed mentioning to a colleague's question.
Why I'm talking about it? Take the 1,000 items, combine those with each other, and get a six to seven-digit number of possibilities. Combine three or more of them, and it explodes in possibilities.It is impossible to cover the whole application while being aware of all combinations. I think I'm close, but wait for the next update and then ask me again
Which also means, there is lots to explore that no one has every combined.
Enjoy the exploration