Animate spline with null to points
Hi Dr Sassi,
Is it possible to animate and set keyframe to the points of a spline and its handle?
Hoi -
In some situations, I use a tracer (set spline type to B-Spline or Linear) connecting a series of nulls.
It's not quite the control of Bezier curves, but it's quick and easy approximation, and you can double up nulls to make sharp corner points. -
Here it is!! I modified this rig to meet my needs when i was in your shoes:
Thank you for sharing. Unfortunately, the link is broken in your youtube description. Hopefully, you can still share the script or point me in the right direction on how you set the nulls up on the points of the spline. Thank you.
code removed
Hi Future-Craft,
I would appreciate not having any code shared here in this forum.
This should be shared only in the developer café, where experienced developers can share their concerns or appreciation. be careful with any code; it is not checked or controlled. Anyone use it at one's own risk. Thanks for understanding.
I know you have only supportive targets with this, but please remove the code, thank you.
All the best
Hi Hoi,
The simple answer is yes, you can do this natively. The points, as well as the handles, will be recorded with the PLA (Point Level Animation).
CV4_2024_drs_24_ANbh_01.c4d(Perhaps since this is natively possible, the code (above) is not updated to Python 3 and so EOL. As I mentioned, I have strong concerns about opening the doors here for code, as it is not the right place. Even well-minded and generous this time, perhaps next time it is some malware and blocks people's computers; there is no way I can control this, so I hope the code from above is soon removed. I try to keep it safe here.)
The PLA is the most right-sided icon in the keyframe group; see the image and example below.
login-to-viewHere are two simple set-ups with different options
CV4_2024_drs_24_ANis_01.c4dIf you would share your target, perhaps other ideas might be possible.
Hi Dr Sassi and Future Craft, I appreciate the help and solution from both of you.
I am looking for a rig / solution like this where I can take the points from spline/shape and can animate through a null but also control the tangent like in this After Effects example:
Thank you both.
Hoi -
Thank you, Hoi, for your suggestion.
I'm super excited about any intuitive and more advanced option.
I fear we can't just copy this idea; perhaps the developer would like to cooperate.
This might happen when you use this link:
Please include the link in the "Share Your Idea" option.I'm a big fan of "learn once, use often," so as you see, you have my support.
The function reminds me a little bit of the Philosophy used for some of ZBrush's adjust tools when small triangles have specific functions and influences.The key takeaway is that the PLA would store all of that already, but it has one disadvantage: it records all points in a single Keyframe and is, based on that, also unable to respond to newly introduced points on the spline.
Fingers crossed that it will find lots of friends. When it is discussed, I will support it.Again, thank you.
Thank you Dr. Sassi, appreciate the suggestion and feedback!
You're very welcome, Hoi.
Have a nice weekend!
P.S.: Here is a variation of the Null Rig. It allows Position, Rotation, and Scale. They can be moved independently (For the parents, press the L key to move without children.
All Nulls were set as Freeze so that they can be reset. (Reset Transform)
A Selection Object is created with the Nulls to set a Recording Selection; see image. (To limit the keyframes to this Selection.)
login-to-viewFile is here
CV4_2024_drs_24_ANdy_01.c4dA one-minute demo is below.$web/Cineversity_Forum_Support/2024_Clips_DRS/20240202_DIY_Spline-handle_drs_01.mp4I use here the E (position), R (rotation) and T (scale) key. To select the nulls in the Editor, Object Mode is needed.
Thank you, I appreciate you for setting this up.
Thank you very much for the reply, Hoi.
Have a nice day!