Hi Dr Sassi, it was just me saying thanks and appreciating the help and advice you give. I always learn something new when you help me solve a problem.
Kind Regards,
Hi Dr Sassi, it was just me saying thanks and appreciating the help and advice you give. I always learn something new when you help me solve a problem.
Kind Regards,
Thanks Dr Sassi, always appreciated
Hi Dr Sassi,
Thanks very much for the swift reply, this would be perfect if only I could get it to separate along z as well
Kind Regards
Hi All,
How can I make Push Apart work on just x and y and not z for example?
I have a Voronoi Fracture that is breaking up nicely just how I want it using Push Apart however it is also pushing the pieces upwards as well which I don't want. In other words if you imagine a flat plane breaking apart, I want it to only break apart along that plane, not in height also, I'm sure I must be missing something simple.
Kind Regards
I recently encountered this error after trying to import an OBJ sequence into Particular. I've imported OBJ sequences successfully before in exactly the same way and never had this error. I had gotten as far as setting things up in designer view, the error popped up when I hit the 'Apply' button. I haven't done anything different to how I've done it before so don't know why this has happened? Any ideas?
Kind Regards
Hi Dr Sassi, with a better understanding now I went back to my own experiment and had much greater success I see better now how it works Just one quick question though, I could not see a cog wheel on the export window in C4D? I can only see this;
Kind Regards
Thanks Dr Sassi, I think I get it now and thanks for your patience. I'm very new to 3D so I'm still having to get to grips with the core basics here. It helps greatly to know that the OBJ sequence is just the geometry, I hadn't realised this. The OBJ is like a raw ingredient, with everything else handled by the application it is put into? Reminds of text in way, like how in InDesign for example, you can format a page of text with all sorts of styles and give it a graphic layout, but if you opened it in a raw text app you see only the words and no formatting or layout, is that the right idea?
Kind Regards
Aah I see (I think), so the object is exported as a single entity all on its own with no camera information?
Kind Regards
Hi Dr Sassi,
I'm sure I must be missing something simple here but I just can't seem to export out an OBJ sequence from the camera view, they always come out from the front view.
I was following along the 'Dancer To Dust' tutorial as I want to make good use of these sorts of techniques, of using 3D models in the Trapcode suite. For my first attempt I have a very simple scene of an object flying through the air spinning as it goes. I have a camera that follows it as it whizzes past. However when I export the OBJ sequence so that I can then bring it into Particular for a user 3D object to emit from, the whole animation is in the standard front view and not through my camera view. What am I missing?
Many thanks
Hi Dr Sassi,
Thanks very much for the advice. The way that Mr Noseman does it in that 'Ask the Trainer' series is very similar to the way I was going about it. I guess I was looking for a way to make all the bends and folds with the thickness already applied, (as it would be in real life). I will explore the tension tag and experiment with that to see what it can do (haven't had tine this week because of workload) I'm okay with the graphics side of things as I do packaging design regularly for years now, and like yourself I've never needed to compensate for stretching. The materials we print on are quite thin so its never been an issue. At this stage I don't need to animate it however I'm thinking that when I have it all setup it would be great to have the option to do so at a later date. For now my goal is to try and make it as photo real as I can, hence the folds, thickness and rounding etc. Thanks again
Kind Regards