Hi Gabe Gonzales,
The User Data option is for convenience. Otherwise, you must open the XPresso Editor before your animation setup session and search for the right node. Doing that in a project after a month is not fun, and things get complex occasionally. The idea is always to work towards a setup that is not in the way of animating the scene. When one is in the flow, things must be simple to handle and able to focus on what is important, and that is never to search for a parameter somewhere.
Those User Data Entryries can be done all on one Object (or several), allowing for the creation of a mixer panel. From there, creating a HUD (Head Up Display) Copy in the editor window is also easier. Which can show up when the Object is active or permanent. Like in a car where no one would put the head-light switch into the trunk 😉
The Spline node is limited in this regard. If you like to have more, you can do it via Math. Example:
Or just use a Helix and set the Height to zero, then increase the End Angle and perhaps the Interpolation. It looks like a circle, but it is so much more.