restricting Displacement for a cylindrical normal move
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hello fellow explorers. I am trying to collapse this bubble a bit like a raisin, a normal move towards the center axis, with longitudinal wrinkles, keeping the end tubes undistorted, with a gradual transition. Displacement Deformer seems to only want to do it on one axis. Using a Texture to do it, the middle is pretty but restricting it with a Polygon Selection, as shown in the top image, gives bad transition.
Thank you for any help.
I put two linear fields bookending the area I want to affect, and then another linear field coming up from below, which allows me to inflate just the bottom, which is my goal. but the overall displacement is only happening on the Z axis, like the middle image above.
Hi schnoidl,
Please have a look here:
CV4_2024_drs_24_ANbw_01.c4dIf I got this right, I used a Plain Effector set to Deform and Point, which allows for what you describe.
Press Play.
As a side note, please check the Sphere Field> Remapping> Contour> Curve and explore what it does for your project.
login-to-viewMy best wishes
good morning. I tried that, thank you, but the distortion is asymmetrical. I want to introduce wrinkles going the long way. My second post above is close but the distortion isn't affecting the Y axis.
also, was there supposed to be a file attached/linked? thanks
Good Morning to you! (It is 8:17pm here on the Pacific Coast.)
Yes, schnoidl, there is a file, but I have to post the text before I can place it there. Then I can upload it; with that extra step, the loaded file doesn't appear in the email.
The Z direction might need to be larger than 123456789 to stretch the noise along z so much that it doesn't change for this object.
login-to-viewHere is another approach, perhaps, that allows you a better art direction via the Vertex tag.
All the best -
P.S.: One more.
I have created two Vertex maps so the fine-tuning can happen in the Restriction Tag
winner!! always so simple...once you know the answer. thanks again!
gets us almost all the way there, but i can't seem to control the shape. would like the creases to go the length of the middle part, with a smoother overall shape. right now the sphere field is leaving two lumps on the ends, followed by low rings, then the good distortion starts.
I tried FFD/Mesh deformer, but it only affected the lumps on the ends?
also would be nice if it used a single vertex map, so i could draw in a little more randomness. thank you. -
Hi schnoidl,
Please have a look here:
I adjusted the Curve, and it is flat, with no "lumps"
The restriction tag has two Vertex Maps, so you can set the "valleys' " depth.All the best
well that's about as perfect as I dare ask for. thank you for your help!!
You're very welcome, schnoidl, it was fun to go through it.
My best wishes for your project.
here's a different project i did last year, that was fun. I don't usually get to fun ; )
Thanks for sharing, schnoidl!
Yes, I see and feel the fun in it. Well done.