Neuron-Fire // looking for files that you made for me ;(
Hi Dr. Sassi, how are you doing? long time- I do not see any older posts that you were kind enough to answer for me. Not sure when,7-8 years ago, I know, a while back, you had made for me some files of lights moving on a neuron, and I can not seem to find them on my computer. I wish that I can nail down the specific year, month etc. Is there any way to look on line here? Cineversitiy doesn't seem to go back very far. Please let me know, if you can, thank you as always, Craig
Hi Craig,
Perhaps search on your computer
If you know the release, perhaps try r17, etc.I hope that works; perhaps scroll through this: me know how it goes. You had nearly 300 posts in the older Cineversity, but I have problems finding something with neutrons.
@Dr-Sassi you are a gem!!- I need to look tomorrow, as I have C4D V21, on my other computer, not sure if these older files will open-I owe you an apology-I was using moving lights on a neuron, but I believe that you used a cylinder, sorry-I'll let you know if I can open, I have version 23, and 21, hoping that 21 works, Best, Craig
Hi again, the links to the files do not download, but thank you for your time-while I have your attention, you used Mograph to move a light object along the length of a cylinder, I believe; any chance that you wouldn't mind replicating that for me?, thank you, Craig
Hi Craig,
Anything of these headlines "ring a bell".
Light along a cylinder, perhaps a little bit more details?
Thanks you. Like how do you want to it to move an animate?
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it might have been, "controlling lights" you made for me a very elegant file ; you used mograph, probably a cloner, plain effector; image a tree, a light/glow starts at the base of the trunk, and moves north; as the light reaches the branches, the lights continue up along/through each branch, so each branch receives a "traveling light" -I will ultimately use a neuron to demonstrate the "light signals" traveling through the neuron branches, and I hope to loop this, Best, Craig
yes, I will animate this, Best, Craig
Thanks for the information, Craig.
I have the HarDrive's name, but the files' text sounds different.
This was eight years ago, and the drive is in the archive, which takes a while to find (It is in one of three cases with around 60 drives.)
How about you tell me what works with this file and what is not? That is so much faster.
CCV4_2023_drs_23_MGgl_01.c4dRender it to see how it works
 I'll check out this file tomorrow, a big THANK you!-fyi, I attached a jpg of what I hope to achieve., Best, Craig -
Hi Craig,
Thanks a lot for the sketch; that helps. Why not do it with options we did not have eight years ago integrated into the way we now have?
Please have a look here:
Press play while the Vertex tag is selected to get a first impression.
@Dr-Sassi Dr. Sassi, hi, this solution is awesome!!!-thank you-will I be able to replicate this with a polygon model ? that is what I'd prefer; is there a tutorial on Cineversity that I can learn how to do this w/o burdening you?-Craig
Hi Craig,
First of all, you do not burden me.
The object has to have a high-resolution mesh, as the Vertex mesh works with points/vertices. The Matrix is used in the Vertex Map Tag as a Point source. The Point source can be adjusted in radius/diameter. This provides the light spot.
The key is that the Decay layer will create the "charge trail" of the Neurons; it has a sweet spot in the settings. I got that idea by searching images of neurons and how they "communicate". So the charge comes and leaves slowly, hence the "trail".
Perhaps start with a simple plane object and a spline to explore it. My model used the Splines as well as a base to create the shape, meaning that changing the Spline will shape the "body" but also direct the "light" with it so things stay in sync. Any polygon object, as defined above, will do if that adjustment is unnecessary.
Please let me know if there are any questions. I'm happy to look into them.
@Dr-Sassi Please see my attached file-my apologizes, I went from using Arnold a lot, to Redshift, never used all of the new C4D materials, pbr, etc, I didnt realize that you are using RS, which I have-I didnt realize that the lights were RS, which I am very familiar with ( DUH!!) lately I'm trying to learn Houdini ( what do u think of it? ) so I applied a base material first, here, light material second-this solution is really cool-I have never used RS for animation, anything that I should be on the lookout for?, flickering issues? anyway, unless I can think of anything else, you are the ultimate problem solver; no wonder why you are "the Doctorneuron-Sassi.c4d "-stay safe, Craig
Hi Craig,
Could you please check the file? It might be too large for the forum. Do you have Dropbox, Google, Apple, Adobe, or Wetransfer cloud options (I do not touch others, sorry)
Yes, Doctor for Neuron, when Neuron means life and Animation means bring to life, my dissertation was about Computer Simulation, or simply put about animation/film. It is not an MD, just to be clear
Houdini is a very specialized app, with reminds me more of working like in NUKE, Fusion, or back in the days, Shake when I take a compositing analogy, as it feels more like a spatial/animation compositor.
However, whether I think it or not ;-), software needs to fit the thinking pattern and logic of the artist. Otherwise, it is a painful relationship. But when it fits, even steep learning curves are fun.
I will look at your file when I get itโlooking forward to it. If you need an upload link, my Dropbox has some space left.
i have a Dropbox, can please send me a link? I used edge to spline for my path, for the lights; when I said "Dr." I meant that you are all knowing, omniscient when it comes to C4d, a compliment
Hi Craig,
If you have a Dropbox, then I don't understand.
Anyway, I will leave this link for a few hours here. Please only the needed parts, as mentioned, that is my private Dropbox, and it is small.
--link-removed---All the best
Hi Craig,
Can I share the link here or what is your preferred option to get it back?
Hi Dr. Sassi. I hope that you are well. I have a question please, about 17 days ago, you provided for me a great solution, to lights traveling
over/through a neuron. I was hoping to experiment with different color combinations, with RS of the body of the neuron. I noticed, that when I use a different material color, and Im sure to properly use the vertex attribute node, the emission/lights are not visible in the viewport, only when I render in the viewport. . Also, the "lights" are not moving when I render to picture viewer. I did this just to experiment with a render. Can you please tell me why this is? also, the way to control speed of light movement, I change the offset in the matrix?, thank you, Craig -
Hi Craig,
I have rendered the file from above today since you asked. It works.
When you say you have changed something, How can I know what? Could you please copy and paste the material into a new scene and share it so I can look at it?
neuron-lights-for-DS.c4d I bought some neat materials, have been too busy to experiment, but perhaps you can show me the way for the furure. I'd love to use your elegant solution for a mor interesting texture, thanks so much-CZ